Catching the Trend Wave Through Moment Marketing!
When I was asked to write this blog, I took almost 4 months to finally begin it. I wasn't sure if my writing would do justice to the topic that I have chosen for the blog.
So without further ado, let's dive right into the subject! To set the tone straight, Marketing is an all-encompassing subject, and Moment Marketing is one of its most important nuances, with interesting and tricky parts attached to it. The best marketers, especially social media marketers know how important moment marketing is for any brand to get more visibility and attractions.
We make sure that we add posts on Moment Marketing in our monthly content calendars. After all, we want our clients to get the benefit out of what's #trending on social media. Sometimes it's a task to make clients understand what exactly Moment Marketing is but once they do then the ship is ready to sail.
But wait, if you have come across this term for the first time, let me define this concept in simple terms - Moment marketing is the ability to take advantage of ongoing events and creating communications & marketing collaterals around such events. This is used by brands to insert themselves in the ongoing conversations that bring relevance to how they market.
Here are some examples of Moment Marketing,
When the finale of Game of Thrones, #GOT was about to be released. Viewers had great excitement and brands took the advantage of it through their quirky ads.They not only got higher engagement on their digital platforms, but also got a good amount of footfalls.

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By making memes on Sacred Games or a sharing sweet RIP message for the late Milkha Singh, brands have expressed their emotions on a particular moment through their relatable ads.

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In my opinion, it's called Moment Marketing because 'it's in the moment'.
How does it help brands?
It helps brands to get more visibility, content engagement and the kind of attention they need for a successful brand or a campaign.
Moment Marketing can also be a 'Challenge' on Social Media Platforms. Recently everyone was dancing and uploading their Instagram Reels on 'Kaccha Badaam'. From laymen to celebrities, everyone followed this trend and got a lot of impressions and shares.
The world is changing, now everyone is updated and upgraded. There are electronic gadgets, softwares, apps that are available in the market which helps people to stay connected with the world and know what exactly is #trending
People are well read, well educated and living in the digital era, hence, Marketers have to be on their toes to make best out of any trend now, because what's trending now will become outdated tomorrow.
The world's moving faster and that's why even the brands and their agencies will have to stay ahead by creating content which is new, in the moment, and stealing the limelight.